Saturday, January 27, 2024

The Larenfall Cycle Update

 "Lines in the Sand" is continuing.  I'm at 35K words and I'm starting part four of a planned three part story.  The word count is now projected at 40-45K and the story has become more complicated than I originally intended.  By that, I mean that I keep coming up with new ideas to throw into it and will let it all shake out in the editing process.  

 Like almost all my stories, things come into focus as I write.  Possible motivations and scenes and endings all present themselves after I've already laid down the foundations I thought I'd be using.  This is just my process.  I make a note somewhere to go change something in a previous scene in order to make the new continuity flow towards the ending that I build.  Then I keep writing until I have to do it again.

 I'm definitely thinking that I will publish this, probably through Amazon KDP, in an expanded format with character and creature statblocks, new sub-class descriptions, spells, weapons and all the other D&D stuff that forms the base for these stories.  That, of course, means negotiating a licensing agreement with the amazing Evan Blair.  Exciting times.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Realms of Eldara Story Update

   Still pounding away at my latest story "Lines in the Sand".  It's up to 30K words and I think I'm still on track to hit about 50K.  The middle is proving to be tough to write my way through but that's not unexpected.  At this moment I'm vacillating between two potential endings and it's a 50/50 split on which one I'll use.  

  I really want to have the first draft done before the end of March so I have a hope of finishing before this summer and the potential for an "Eldaracon" meetup at GenCon in Indy.  After that, depending on the ending I choose I'll either have one more story in the Larenfall Cycle or none.  Time will tell.